Exterior Murals


One of my major outdoor murals in Quesnel in was painted in 2002. 3000 square feet over a concrete block wall. I hired four students to help me through the summer months.

It took over a year to raise the funds and make choices and negotiate with the city and community as to theme, lighting and all of the details that go into creating a mural of this size in our downtown Labourdais Park. It was mutually determined that the theme would be Quesnel, before 1950.

Quesnel is the gateway to Barkerville and we pride ourselves on our history.

After 10 years it still looks very nice and children still look for the 43 hidden animals.

Below are serveral of the outdoor murals I have painted, over several mediums from concrete block (History of Quesnel) to stucco (Willis Harper) to Alubond panels.(Salmon Run)

Some are painted with oil, lettering enamels and some are photographic.

Painting Outdoors